A pebble plopped
into the stagnant
ripples of yawns
drawn across your painted face
The flute hums
a moronic melody
of silent slumber
seated on your lip
And those eyelashes reek
the purple dust
of a fairy that curled
upon your brow
left as a token
And aftertaste of
a satiated meal
that binds you in immortal sleep
Tied in polythene curves
tiny needles
that pierce
satin skin
And she will still
lay enveloped
in that drunken stupor
amidst the bosom
where petals cover her
away from veracity
And as she stretched in
her cocoon that
so wrapped her
it lengthened
and split
and air bubbles gushed
to stifle her
with reality
And she twisted and turned
And engulfed more of their impurity
with every breath
and a little of her soul
each time
The sparks of mortality
perished inside her
And froze the timeless moments
And her preserved sanity
And one last whiff
And that final
chord of the music note
welcomed her across Lethe
As the ferryman
carried her
in her tattered cocoon
across to the other side
She lived a dream
and she will perish in one
Conquering the corporeal
She still remained
Incomplete in her self
of the consequences
and of all the reality
she could not live
That she choose not to.
Dedicated To myself.
I might learn to be selfish.I will.Lets hope.