

See you at Running in Circles blog two.

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And I romanticized paper planes clipped to clothing lines while you wrote bruised notes of dying carnal lust; and then the clock shrugged midnight.
As I snuck beneath the pale cotton sheet, wrung and hung tied so tight. Like paper neath sun and its light, You shrugged and pulled me in along with the freshly washed rose scented linen sheet that stiffened through day,now night. Cause you knew I’d peel to just your sight.
Teasing wind in the curve of my mouth we tasted the dust of heavens pure plight. Oh the song lasted, all day that quarter of a night.
the print of your finger on the chinaware out from which poured like hot breaths on your elfin ears like drinking earl grey tea in watery milk and sugary lies. Like train journeys in winter which went through winding tunnels; through the damp smell of lavender and moist ancient grime, it chugged past station and tunnel alike. and that's why I'd say I like traveling, you together on this ride. because it has no end, till final destination arrives. - and in your indigo ocean paired eyes, I’d smell the tingle of mud soaked rain and sea salts making quick dreams through a fluff of soft and many cheek pecks and then i remembered to plan breakfast for next time so save the end of the song through tonight. as you always leave stealthily on monday mornings for work ; - And then we kissed under the arch of midnight dreams on lofty pillows and in the warmth of the cleft of your arm. wasted and spent within as we fell apart on the same sheet that once lay on the clothes line. - and i groggily wake up to the rhythmic weekend and your snuggle at sunrise and wrap myself in your side of the bed sheet trying to sniff you out into my button shaped nostrils. - as the sun pierced through my eyes, light and darkness together this time. I had dreamed of bittersweet goodbye.