Both negative aspects amalgamating into one singular formation of nullfied existence.
Its primitive causes maybe trust and deceit in thought waves.
From the diary of an actor :
I rarely have nothing to think about unless I really want to think about nothing.
Then I'm thinking about nothing.
She could very well bee a python goddess entwining me with her self, coiling, throttling, but I resist, knowing her bosom is close.Then nothing.
So sometimes after thinking about everything and something and anything I think about anybody.
I rehearse lines to myself about saying it to anybody.
And of course I want to make them laugh and still be more than an actor. Open the doors of perception, maybe.Make history. So I say these lines and all I can do is give a humble shrug and that would be apt really. Because truth comes out of humility.
So I was saying a witty line to anybody and wow it worked.
I'm too busy to be meeting too many anybodies so I said this to a somebody I know and they applauded for joy.Voila.
I came home and it was dark and I sat in my study.Dim lights and all.I thought why did he applaud and not clap for glee?
More thinking but
I see my daughter big eyes and everything and I gather her in my arms. I tickle her nose and pretend to eat it.She squeals.
I almost say to her and she jumps and holds my nose and we both laugh.
She fell asleep in my arms and I was looking at her.
[whopeedoo grammar doing eminem style but im lazy so this is for now]
ok later now.