

The awkward silence
The placid quiver
The soliloquy ends.

If I could
I would
I say.

But if only you knew
The words sway?

The name you bear
My heart its share.

Tonight you change
Only leaving behind
Every felt passion

Wanting yet one
To be close and undone
Together lips to meet
Heart gone upbeat

Simple words flow
Nerve seems to echo
Just give me a chance
Or some more days
To make you feel
This way again.

This way again
I feel tonight
Awkward silence
And placid quiver

In your presence
I shiver.

Just envelope me still
We will.

Don’t go already
Please stay?

I wilt without
You near?

Please stay.

Don’t let it change
Don’t break my glasshouse
Don’t blow it away
Just build it with me
For our future stay

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