

illicit dreams knock
upon her skin
all fazed and
ashed with sin

the knock
upon a friar's lair
wonder beyond
the chapel

what lay upon
the death of her
like soldiers
lost to war

this breath
i take
upon your beat
just in tune
with pulse
pupils beneath
the soft of his
eyelash under my
very skin

illicit dreams
knocked upon which
her skin her sin
his gin

and like a drunk
he spoke about

firebugs glowing
like the mellow
hollow of existence

to him you were existence
like withered wings
that brought bliss to
his mortal portal
of artistic hiss

in tiny breaths
upon each
raise within thy skin
she grazed upon his neck
like snake would mean to sin

but those words she spake
those words make breathe

and she said she was his favorite
his game of fate
a war he said he had to fight
against this world
we live within
but what bout the wars beneath
the sin my sin of skin

and wasted like a gambler
he played the game of love
what lay beneath after war
were wild overgrown flowers
on his grave
shot everyday
and bullets laugh
through each pore of skin
tearing into it sin
of revenge and war and death
and bullets laugh
they say such a comical fate

the bullets again and gain
they put an end
to him that was ordered to sell his
to gunpowder smoke
and we won the war
but we sold our naked clothes

and so he crawled into her
within the sin of gin
he drowned and wasted
in her ginger juice
her within, her skin
a finger dipped upon
the slip
merely bathed
and water dripped
beyond of course to adam's mind
after the birth of sin

but still he'd drowned into her depth
the valleys of her brim
dolloped in curves
that he'd bleed n bleed
the want
her skin
his sin

she crept upon his shadow
stole it covered it
his brim upon
the breath of her
his lips her morning kiss

in sugar coffee breaths
he lay in her arms
and in the world he walked
ahead of her
to take a bullet first
the bullet named for some another
shot through speck
through skin

away from the world
in full blossomed lips
a trap of lust
his sin
their sin
he wasted it in gin
his gin


Anonymous said...

All things must come full circle. And you must go full circle with them, to understand.


Mystique said...

I saw the photos you've taken, Anisha put them on her blog....

Wow, you're 18 and brilliant. I'm 18 and wish i could take photos like that....

Shalaka Pai. Look me up on facebook. I'd love to chat!