
Star Gazing

Dedicated to you daddy, on the eve of your mothers 43rd death anniversary.
I think most times if not less, loneliness that was then seems comforting now.

Rearranging stars to outline ,
your sheen
the lil boy grew.

Still young he gazes
year after year
at those twinkling
remnants of you.

Trying to rid the cobwebs
clouding in his head.

Plucking em' memories
long gone,
buried somewhere down,
in suppressed giggles
he hides himself in the
umbra of the silhouettes of
bound shadows;
that are with the
breeze of time.

He tries counting edges
in circles
as he scrapes
faint memories of you,
from his eyes.

The lil boy tries hard,
even now,
being much adverse to lil
to kill the hot tears
in his throat and to
be a man.

But how can he help it?
if, you wander
out of others sight
and wrap him up
in the scent of betel nuts
and the aroma of your washed hair.

Leaving him to break into
tremors of holy sweat
as you sing to him,
divine melody
of your heavenly abode

Much comforted in his lonesomeness
afraid that you'd go away
if he finds someone else.

He clings onto nothingness
craving for brevity.

He would lie in your ash
if the cruel wind didn't
love it more.

So, he still gazes
at the two million year old stars,
looking for a closed chapter
of his life.

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