
Harlequin of desire.

And the curve of that mighty horizon
light a fire, lit against the soft of skin
a mighty fall
into depths
of the raging whirlpool
against the valleys of mighty ocean waves crashed
as the insides of the fragrance of spices
churns, into a plethora of sparkling cooling feathers

And then from between legs,like a flamingo
ready to fled
he was mesmerized by birth
of feelings
Inside of him
as words ran along his fingertips
instead off his lips
they were occupied
by moist clandestine breath
of a universe of secrets
a rub of ice, the stiff of skin
and as the breaths get shorter
and closer to the hollow of his ear
a spread was consumed over his mighty bulges
as the parasol spread
with a warm coolth from her lip
as my ear went snip
between the pearl of lip
as lay her full drop round pearls
that lay on the satin sheets
as he ripped
as she gripped
tightened the rope
like a mighty bird ready
rocking midst the ocean over a stone
it wanted to alight
Alighting and alternating
hip and lip
And then you descend down, mountain
drenched in rain, whose
arched against her neck
as she blows menthol toothpaste kisses
and wraps up
in silk and walks to toast butter
and some morning grub
bed and fed


Adapted from the sexuality in the conversation between Jessica and Lorenzo,combineering nature and its elements to portray the love they made while at Portia's house.
Act Five, Scene One, Merchant of Venice.
Dedicated to Marlowe.
Who was the most subtly provoking writer.
Merchant of Venice was originally adapted from Marlowe's , Jew Of Malta.
Shakespeare is like the Jim Morrison of lyrics.
No offense to admirer's of either.
I enjoy both equally for other reasons.
Dedicated to lust, stemming from love.
To please and be pleasured by one.
Like a fresh whiff of ground coffee sipped and stemming from it the want to never share, your cup.
To faith.


Che said...

Damn when I studied shakespeare he was so boring :(

WV: inionsnu

Running in circles. said...

I don't study shakespeare, nor do I have to, I choose to :)
Its something I do for fun :|
Dont laugh at me.
Dont you.

You havn't said anything abouts the poem :O

Shakespeare is not boring man, really.
He has some of the best screen plays ever written.

Preeti said...

Beautiful poem..."moist clandestine breaths of a universe of secrets..." hmmnn
read what you've written RIC...you will be amazed...:DDD

i love shakespeare...othello is my favourite...the way he's managed to bring out various raging emotions in one story never ceases to stun me. his tragedies are very poignant and dark. macbeth, hamlet, romeo and juliet, caesar, othello...wow...wow

i was not too keen on shakespeare when i studied him in school. but after that i wonder how i returned to him...